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Kettlebells and Their Benefits!

A kettlebell is a free weight that is round, with a flat bottom and has a handle. It looks like a tea pot without the spout, hence the name "kettlebell". They are made out of a cast iron or steel.

Kettlebells originated in Russia in the 18th century. They were used as a simple yet effective tool for weighing crops and goods. However, the Russian military quickly recognized the benefits of kettlebell exercises and began incorporating them into their training routines. They have been used throughout history as a means of increasing strength and stamina.

Today, they have become very popular and are often linked with functional training. They are advertised as a great way to stay in shape and can benefit everyone, from the elite athlete to the sedentary person discovering new forms of fitness.

So does training with kettlebells really live up to all its hype? And the answer is, yes!

Continue reading for the benefits of why kettlebell training is good for you.

1. Combines Strength and Conditioning

There are many different forms of exercise to reach fitness goals, such as weight loss, building muscle, and gaining strength. Kettlebell training is an effective way to meet all these needs. Kettlebells work both your aerobic and anaerobic systems. Aerobic meaning “with oxygen” and is energy used for long, steady paced exercise (ex.10min snatch set). While anaerobic means “without oxygen” creating bursts of fast energy (ex. kettlebells swings). Both of these systems can increase your cardiovascular and muscular strength.

For those looking to lose weight kettlebell exercises burn an incredible amount of calories! While lifting and moving around weight you are building muscle mass which helps you burn calories. Those strength and muscle gains also increase your resting metabolism, meaning you can burn calories all day after a workout.

2. Improved Coordination and Mental Focus

Also known as the “thinking person workout”. When you train with kettlebells you can’t just mindlessly throw weight around and muscle it up. Every movement requires mental focus, coordinated with kettlebell use. They train your body to work as a unit and because our brains are wired to know movements not muscles, you can become much more coordinated with kettlebell use. They train your body to work as a unit.

3. Slows Our Aging Process

As we age, our bodies change in many ways. Our muscles start to shrink and lose mass. Tendons start to stiffen. The body’s metabolic rate slows down. There is a loss in bone absorption and formation, resulting in a loss of bone tissue. Our joints change! The connective tissue- cartilage starts to deteriorate causing us to feel mild soreness and aching. Many of these changes in our musculoskeletal system result from lack of use. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and exercising regularly you can slow this process down.

Ballistic exercises using a kettlebell such as a swing appears to be highly beneficial in strengthening the joints. Studies have found that joints subjected to heavy impact are relatively free of arthritis in older age (Verkhoshansky and Stiff, 1998).

Unlike lifting a dumbbell, which keeps your center of gravity fixed, kettlebells incorporate full body movements that throw off your centre of gravity and use core muscles to keep balance. Kettlebells also reveal misalignments, compensation and weaknesses in the body. As the body returns to the aligned musculoskeletal state pain starts to relieve.

So why train with kettlebells?

In conclusion, training with kettlebells has many advantages not only in reaching personal fitness goals but also keeping the body young, strong and healthy. If you are looking for a challenging, yet fun workout with proven benefits for your health, kettlebells may be for you.

If you are interested in learning more and training with kettlebells send me an email at :) I would be more than happy to help.


Coach Holli

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